Doctors & Nurses. This last week I got phone call that my dad wasn't doing well and he was going into the hospital. Which that in itself was hard, but the fact that, I'm here in California and he's in South Dakota... really made my heart ache.
Because of the distance, I have to rely on the nurses and the doctor's in his rest home to care for him and to know what's best for him. So if they say... he needs to be admitted to the hospital... he needs to be admitted. Wonderful nurse, Sarah, is one I can always rely on... she tells me what's going on with my dad and she's right there if I have a question. I know sometimes the care they give is taken for granted... that we don't always take the time to thank them for doing their jobs... for providing peace of mind.
So this week, I am so grateful for all the doctors and nurses... especially for those who care for my dad every day. I thank you for persevering... thank you following a path, which personally impacts my life and the care of my father daily. From the bottom of my heart... I am grateful.
Yayyyyyyyyyy for the dr's and nurses that care for your Dad!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Michelle, So sorry to hear of your Dad's stay in the hospital! I hope it is not very serious, although, if he's in the hospital its obviously serious. I will pray for him, you and your family! Sending much love and hugs!
AMEN. I totally agree Michelle! I'm glad your dad has wonderful doctors and nurses looking out for him - yeayyy! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
i agree with you on this one! thank God for these wonderful ppl. :)
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