For me, it was one of the most touching moments which happened on our trip to South Dakota... We always take a drive... and we always go by the old Grajczyk farm. But on this trip I wasn't driving... I was in the backseat with my dad... and this time when we reached where the old Grajczyk homestead once stood... we stopped... and as I looked out the window passed my father, I could see tears in his eyes of what use to be. I can't imagine what was going through his mind... maybe he was thinking of... his childhood... his mother... his father... his siblings... of how hard he worked the farm and how now it's only a memory. Or maybe he was thinking how did 84 years fly by so quickly... where did the time go?
It was a difficult moment... as we all looked out to where his 'home' used to be. All those stories he told of the farm... of growing up... came drifting back into my heart... all those memories snuck in and overwhelmed me.
It reminded me of how times flies by in an instant... but it's the memories we make which take us back to the places we've been and the life we've lived. Memories are not just to be held on to, but to be shared so others can appreciate what you've done or where you've been or how you lived. That is why I love scrapbooking so much... all the memories made today, tomorrow or even yesterday... I can hold on to, look back on... and share with those I love. It's a blessing to share in the memory of anther's life. And I feel blessed to have had a glimpse of the life my father lived... as he remembered home.
*sigh* this is such a beautiful and touching lo michelle!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo....and wowwwwwwwwwwww what a wonderful story!! thanks sooooooooooooooo much for playing along with sketchy thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Gorgeous page, and what a wonderful moment to capture. Stunning!
This is wonderful!!! My mom now lives with me and is 91. I see that same look on her face. Time does go so fast but the memories are forever!
What a beautiful layout and wonderful photo of your dad. Wow, moments do slip by quickly, don't they? Gorgeous way to capture it. Thanks, Pam
Wow..........what a wonderfully touching photo! Beautiful job!! :))
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