After seeing the sketch for
Sketchy Thursday, all I could think of was a quilt. Quilts and my South Dakota photos would go so well together... and because I still have sooooooo many photos left from our trip to scrap, I decided to use some of them. On our daily walks we saw such beauty in the landscape I had to use some of the photos. The horse, Meta, is my cousin Ronnie's and every time we went on one of our walks Rainee insisted we go by the stables to see Meta.
I had such fun doing this layout... I

hardly ever do hand stitching on a layout... I always want to get the layout done. But this time I felt it needed that little extra bit of homemade touch. I'm glad I took the extra time to do the stitching... for me it finishes it off...
(Materials: Paper: Creative Imaginations, DCWV, My Minds Eye, Karen Foster, Rub-ons: Creative Imaginations, Colorbok, Tag: Creative Imaginations, Ticket: EverydayScrapbook Etsy, Bird: EverydayScrapbook Etsy, Branch Stamp: Colorbok, Sticker: Creative Imaginations, Pens: Puffy Paint, Pigma, Ink: Ranger)
L-O-V-E this layout Michelle!
Great Layout!
I really like how you added bright and patterned paper over the more neutral background. It looks awesome!
Love what you did with that sketch! Adorable photos, too! :-)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! I love love love this Michelle!! I love love love love love that wood background, the photos...and those flowers!!! thanks sooooooooooooooo much for playing along with us Michelle!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I love how you use the backgrounds and this one reminds me of the one with the boots where I also felt that cozy and warm atmosphere!! And the picture aof Rainee and dad is so cute!
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