If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time... many of you know what a difficult time Rainee had at the beginning of school last year. It was not the way Kindergarten was suppose to be... she came home crying most days... and every morning it was a struggle to get her to get going, because she just didn't want to be there... she hated school! Then after month's her struggling and me constantly in prayer about what to do... I made the decision to change her out of one class and into another. And the difference was noticeable the first day... she started to flourish...she didn't want the day to end... she couldn't wait for the next day to go back... she loved school!! She enjoyed EVERYTHING about THIS Kindergarten teacher and class... and that made my heart happy! But it also made me realize I wasn't going to let her go through that struggle again...
I wasn't taking any chances... because I believe we, as parents, are our children's advocate... we are responsible for helping they grow, learn and be happy in their life ahead... plus, we know our child best. So because of my strong conviction, I knew I needed to be a part of who she would have for a teacher. I started asking around... I talked to teacher and mom friends.... then before school let out, I made my written request to the principal... after which I started praying every day Rainee would be with a teacher who would inspire her and not one who would bring her down!!!
When we went to school on Tuesday to find out who her teacher was I can't begin to tell you the relief that washed over me when I saw she was in Mrs. Clark's class. I know this is the class and teacher for her! It's only been 3 days of school, but she already loves her class... and her teacher. I am so happy and grateful, because I know this year will be good... not just good... GREAT!!! I am so grateful... to the principal for taking the time to read my letter and allowing me to be the advocate for my daughter's education. I am so very grateful.
I am so happy for Rainee, good teachers are so important!
I am sooooooooooooooo happy she got a teacher she likes! That is sooooo important! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Good for you mom! Rainee is a lucky little lady to have you for a mom, teaching her to stand on her own two feet but ready to catch her when she falls...
What a great mom you are!! I know from experience a good teacher and liking to be at school can make all the difference!! Glad she's got one she likes:)
Love, Jess
Acknowledging your child's feelings and being an advocate~ so important, and just a reminder that because the princiPAL is a PAL ~ it's easy to remember how to spell it ;)
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