Her first day... well, she did great! Got up early without a problem... and instead of our traditional chocolate chip pancakes... she just wanted cereal... ummmmmmm what's that?? She always wants chocolate chip pancakes... so we ate chocolate Cherrios instead. After breakfast she got ready... she was so excited to wear her new outfit!!! She couldn't wait to for everyone to see guitar tie, hat and biker jacket!... She looked adorable!!!
When we got to school, she was fine... I was fine. We were able to see all her friends... it was all good. Her teacher came out, gave the kids some instructions on

After school... we made our traditional ColdStone ice cream run... cotton candy ice cream with m&m's... one of her favorites! All in all it was a good first day... for her... I knew she would be fine... and me, well... I filled my day, but it wasn't the same without my sweet little buddy right beside me.

When Rainee started Pre-school... on her first day, I made her a little envelope and put family photos in. It was my way of letting her know I was with her... something she could have, something that would let her know we were with her all day... just in case she got lonely. For Kindergarten... I made another

So this year for her first day of First Grade... instead of making an envelope, I decided to make a mini book. Something simple... with just a few pages... it didn't take any time to do... but I knew it would be something she could hold on to in difficult moments at school.
When I gave it to her... she was so excited to have new photos to take to school... then it hit her... she was going to school... and she started to cry. I know it may just sit in her backpack all day long... but I also know there will be days, when she needs reminding... it's all okay... you'll be home soon... and mostly to know she is loved. I love how it turned out... I don't do a whole lot of mini books... but I was happy with it and so was Rainee.
Well, I think that's it for today... but before I go, I did want to thank you all for your lovely comments and for your support with my business.... my heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness... thank you!! Have a lovely lovely day!
Aw. Sending them off to all-day school is the toughest. We have all day kgarten here and so I went through that last year. It was always surreal to watch my little girl climb onto that big ol' yellow school bus too! But you know she'll love it, and you might enjoy some of that free time! :-)
She looks so cute and smart on her first day!!! And awesome mini, what a great idea!
She looks ADORABLE! Oh my sweet goodness!
Michelle from our past conversations I KNEW this would be a hard time for you, knowing the baby is growing up to a little girl! Do keep busy and keep cherishing those days! I sure do miss mine being small! But the Lord has been so GOOD to me to bring my Lil buddy granddaughter, Lila to me!
Cute lil mini! I love it!
I remember the first day of school with all three of my children and it wasn't any easier with the third then it was with the first child.
Now my youngest has moved out on his own, that is a big pain in the heart..
I remember the boys had to go to school the whole day, they where so excited!!! You'll get used to it but after every vacation I still feel a little lonely the first week!! Love the idea of the mini and it's such a nice one!!
And wow does she look cute in that outfit, love her hat!!!
I am right there with ya, Michelle. The first day of school always bums me out. Although, I have to say, the first day of 1st grade was probably the worst of all... going to a full day for the first time. :-( I know lots of moms that celebrate with champagne breakfasts & parties, but I guess I'm one of the few who DOESN'T look forward to school starting again. Believe it or not, though, you'll find ways to fill up your day! All will be fine!
Big hugs for you!
And ps... Rainee looked way fashionable for her first day! What a cutie, as always! :-)
Wow! Rainee looks sooo grown up. She's so cute in her new outfit, love that hat really cool. Hope you both make it through this first grade, it must be hard not to have her home all day. But I'm sure you'll both do great. And just think of all the new stuff you'll be able to take pics of now, new friends, sleepovers, school activities....
Good luck
It's harder on us than them I think. Just wait until your little one starts middle-school! Yes, I'm a bit anxious on this one. Great project. Thanks.
this is such a precious story... i can't believe lil rainee is now in school all day. hope you have been handlin' it well. i'm sure you are! ;) hehe.
hugs to you and miss rainee,
Cute photo and love the mini!! Great idea!
Ohhh, Michelle....how sweet! I remember the first day of "all day" school for Bobby! Whew! Now, I secretly look forward to all the things that I can get done! haha! But, I do still miss him so much and he'll be entering 4th grade this year!! We don't start until Sept 1.
Such a cute mini! TFS!
OMYGOSH!!! She looks sooooooooooooooo cute cute cute on her first day!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE her outfit!! And that mini is ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Rainee looks so grown up! You are fortunate she adapts so well...stay busy. Love the idea of the minibook...nice keepsake too. I look forward to everything you share...
You are amazing Michelle and there is no doubt Rainee is too!
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