I'd like to share a little background about this new business venture for EverydayScrapbook.com. Over the last several months I've been working on a new scrapbook idea.... EverydayFrames!!! It started when I lost my job and knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom and to some how work from home. After realizing my dream and I started praying... and praying... when I woke up in the middle of the night with this great idea for a scrapbook frame. I told my husband about it, and this new venture began... my husband took me shopping for wood working tools and cleared out some, very precious, garage space for me to work. Any extra time I had has been spent working out the kinks in my prototype. There were several times I wanted to quit and give up... but I knew if I wanted to work from home and be there for my daughter... this was it... this was my answer to prayer. So today I am so happy to say, I am launching our new product... EverydayFrames over at www.EverydayScrapbook.com!
And I would like to share my excitement with you as I launch this new business venture... so I'm having a GIVEAWAY for all of you!!!! We have 3 GIVEAWAYS for you...

Ready to enter?
TO ENTER: Checkout our website www.EverydayScrapook.com, then leave me a comment HERE, telling me what think about our EverydayFrames. And make sure to checkout the video... to see how this frames works!
EXTRA ENTRIES: (make sure you leave a separate comment for each).
- 1 Entry: Follow my blog and leave a comment letting me know. (Already a follower? Just leave a comment)
- 1 Entry: Blog about this giveaway and leave a link in a comment.
- 1 Entry: Tweet about this giveaway and leave a link in a comment. You can tweet once per day and each tweet will count as another entry. Remember to leave a separate comment for each tweet.
- 1 Entry: Feature our Giveaway on your blog and leave the link in a comment.
- 1 Entry: Feature my website on your blog and leave the link in a comment.
- 1 Entry: Become a fan on Facebook... EverydayScrapbook and leave a comment here or on the fan page.
Great idea. I am setting my hallway up as a display gallery for my scrapbook pages and photos and these are super! I wont have to take the frame down daily/weekly to change the page. Great Job. Love your My little bug LO super cute!!
MICHELLE, this is so exciting!!! I already went to the site and it is great:) I love how you leave the pages in the page protectors and slide them in!!! Congrats and best of luck in your new venture:)
Love, Jess
I am already a follwer:):)
I am a fan on facebook.
I liked ya on FB!
I already follow your blog.
I absolutely love the new site. I sent you a note, too, btw to your email with an idea for ya. LMK! :)
About to go share you on FB in 2 seconds!
Michelle, this is SO AWESOME!!! I remember our conversations by email last year... thinking and thinking what we could do as a business that would continue to keep us home! I think God laid quite an AMAZING venture in your lap! Wow!!!! Those are soooooooooo awesome! I want to win! I'll also buy one OR two as in Nov I'll have TWO grand children!
Great job and many blessings in your new venture! So happy for you!
Vicki Hunter
Loving your website Michelle..it is awesome!Those frames are wonderful!Love your video with Rainee...huge congrats girl!!
I love your new product. Makes it so easy to display different layouts.
would love to win! ladybug1376@hotmail.com
I'm a follower!
What an awesome new venture, Michelle! Congrats!
These frames look fantastic! Over here in the UK it is so difficult to even buy 12x12 frames as scrapbooking still isn't a big thing, so this product looks brilliant to me! I love how you can slide your pages in and out so easily in their protectors without the hassle of removing glass and getting fingerprints all over them. I wish you the best of luck with your new product!
Kim Renton (SuperAllyFan on scrapbook.com)
Congrats Michelle!!! what a great idea, love the frames and I love your site!!!
Yay yay yay!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an incredible news!!!!!! Congrats Michelle on this your new journey and the idea is more than fantastic!!!!!!!!! I love it sooooo much!!!!!! Bravo Michelle! I'll put the logo of Everyday Frames on my sidebar - I have to support such a great idea!!!!
I am a follower
I've posted this posting on my blog!!
I posted this posting on my blog and I can't wait to see who wins!!!
Here's the Link:
I love the Everyday frames..I've never seen a frame that does this. I'm positive that this will end up selling quick rapidly. Great job!!!
I tweeted over on my page here's the link: https://twitter.com/Scrappinista
this is awesome!! i was just looking for some cool frames to frame my scrapbook pages in my new scrap room.
Michelle, I'm so happy for you, this is so exciting and your frames are super cool!
I wish you lots of success on your new business!
Those are awesome! And the price is great!
I'm a follower!
I think that the frames are a great idea. You have lots of great scrap booking ideas. Thank you for giving me ideas.
I was on FB and "like" you. Thanks so much for this great oppertunity to win one of these great giveaways. I can't wait to see who wins,but until then take care and God bless you and yours.
what a fantastic idea Michelle. Does it work with any type of page protector? I know some are weird sized.
Amanda... the frame does come with a page protector... but you are right... some of the page protectors are different sizes plus some have seams at the bottom... but the ones I've found in my own stash are the the post-bound refills I have purchased!!! They are perfect!!!
Thanks for asking!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle :D
i just am crazy for this, ordered 2 one for me, one for my daughter. thanks for the great idea.
put this on my blog...http://jessiscorner.blogspot.com
I am so excited for you Michelle, the frame is beautiful!!! I can't wait till mine gets here!!!
So HAPPY for you Michelle! What a GREAT idea, too! :-)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! SUPER DUPER PROUD of YOU Michelle! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this!! I all ready follow YOU...and now I am liking you on FB... LOVING the website...they look AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):):) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh and this one isn't listed...lol... but I added your site to our "fave shops" sidebar on FAVE THINGS!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Oh my goodness! Another creative idea from you that is sure to sell! I'm sharing with all my friends and on my facebook page! Love your blog and your perspective on life is so fun-loving!
Michelle you have so much talent. This will work out for you with no problem at all. You have so many people that love you and your work. Hopefully soon I will be moving into my new home. I do need some frames. I am a new follower.
Can't wait;-)
You know I love you! and follow you!! ;))
blogged about the giveaway!! :))
Featured your giveaway on my blog!! Cause you ROCK! :))
EKKKKKK....and even "liked" you on FB!! Cause of course I LIKE YOU!
Oh yeah.....and featured your website on my blog!! :))
How could I not!!
I added you to my blog post :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
So excited for you.... I just ordered one. I will give it away at my next event! I will be ordering more for me too! So happy your dreams are coming true. Gods blessings are so amazing. We are diligent and keep moving forward. You will be blessed. love you girl. Congrats!
How exciting!! I love the idea!! I'm gonna go check out the store right now!! :)
How exciting!
What a great idea. God is so good,isn't He?
Best wishes for you on your new venture.
They look nice! Best of luck to you on your new business!
BTW Julie TW sent me over!
I'm now a follower! :-)
Wow! I love the idea of the ease of changing out the layouts. Being able to see my newly completed layouts more often might help motivate me!
Wow! I love the idea of the ease of changing out the layouts. Being able to see my newly completed layouts more often might help motivate me!
I am now following your blog with google reader!
I because a fan on facebook and commented over there. Thanks to my friend Debra Kinder for suggesting this. I love it!
What a wonderful solution to the problem of layouts being hidden in books... My DH and I have been looking (for, forever) for a way to display the stories of my family.
This is wonderful.
Good luck to you and your amazing family.
p.s. - I need 4!!
I tweeted... I'm so excited for you both!!
I posted about it on my blog....
I "liked" your fan page on Face Book.
the link to everydayScrapbook is not working... :(
I am so glad I came across you again.love your work.
Love the new frame. Gotta have one. I recently discovered your blog after seeing one of your YouTube videos. Now I'm a follower!
I Can't wait to see who wins this great giveaway (fingers crossed) :-D...I tweeted over at my page: http://twitter.com/Scrappinista
...everytime I tweet do you want us to leave a link here in the comment box...and how do I feature the website and giveaway on my blog? Please email me at sherrell_hill@yahoo.com
I would love to get the word out to others as much as possible for these great frames!!!
Take care and God bless you and yours.
I linked a request to join your fan page on facebook and I have already had 7 friends join!! Trying to spread the word...
I've been a Follower for a While, But I just Liked your Page on Facebook Too!
Loved the Video on the Everyday Frame! Your daughter is adorable, and Getting Big since the First video I saw! Love the idea, Would even Be awesome for Storing Children art work. So You can change out their Newest Masterpieces! Great work You've done, I think I'll need a Few now, LOL!
Already a Follower :)
Wednesday morning tweet posted!!
Can these be manufactured "raw" to be altered to match our home decor??
It's my pleasure, Michelle.
Hope it helps you out with the new business :)
i tweeted..have a look see: http://twitter.com/Scrappinista
Dunt-du-na-nunt...everyday frames is freatured here at http://lifewhatimakeofit.blogspot.com/2010/08/everyday-mehas-everyday-frames-and.html check it out!!!
wow ... the everyday frames sound pretty cool!......i am sure every scrapbooker will be very intrigued by it :))i sure am ... :)
shazeen from houston
Best of luck with your new venture! Love the post about Rainee's first day of first grade...her outfit is just fab!
good luck for ur new biz venture ... :)... shazeen from houston
hi - i have just been bitten by the scrapbooking bug and am so excited to have come across ur site ... u have great ideas to share - thanks
Lamiya @77044
just saw ur frame - its ingenious
best of luck
Lamiya @77044
the idea is very good, I think is practical and can change my layout whenever i want.
I Like your page in facebook
I tweeted about the blog giveaway here at: http://twitter.com/Scrappinista
My daily tweet: http://twitter.com/Scrappinista
I just featured the everydayscrapbook website on my blog: http://lifewhatimakeofit.blogspot.com/2010/08/everyday-frames-website.html
Best of luck with your new buisness! I can't believe you make each one by hand!! They look beautiful and it is such a great idea! You are sure to be a huge success!
I'm so glad I shared these few days with you...tweeting, and blogging about the great Everday Frames...I wish you all the best in this journey you've accomplished..well done I'm proud of you!!! Take care and God bless
My last tweet{tear}: http://twitter.com/Scrappinista
I tweeted!! (again... :D)
my mother loves scrapbooking and i stumbled across your site while hunting for a gift for her ... i think it will be a great gift idea!
Love the frame...I'm just setting up my desk for scrapbooking and want to hang pics of my granddaughter behind me...perfect way to change out layouts of her..thanks, Kim
~Beautiful idea for displaying the pages that we have worked so hard on! Being a scrapbooker for 14 yrs, I just stand up my 12x12 pages against anything that will hold it up, just hoping that family & friends will notice! Kool, that your frame allows display and then, able to change to display a different one! Love it, girl! Sell tons & keep your dream alive! Blessings, AdeneB
okay so yesterday wasn't the last day...yippeee here's my tweet of the day: http://twitter.com/Scrappinista
Thanks for the chance to win these great prizes :-D
i blogged about it but forgot to come and post, LOL!
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