Laughter shouldn't be contained... it's what I love about listening to Rainee's... it's spontaneous... joyful... full of life... intoxicating... it's pure happiness. There is always plenty of it every day around here... but this week... those blissful moments were caught in many different places... when Molly came over for breakfast and they laughed over doggie pancakes... on St. Patrick's Day, while her class looked for the mischievous leprechaun around school... to hear their laughter and excitement, was such a treat to watch... then there were the giggles she made while making her own little leprechaun trap... and when our potatoes turned green, it was priceless... what a mischievous little guy he is! And how can I leave out the roar of laughter as she played on the bouncer at a birthday party with her friends... All this delightful laughter... makes a heart happy!
So this week I'm thankful the little extraordinary moments that envelopes our home with laughter. They are bliss. I hope your day... your week... is filled with the joys and delightful sound of laughter...
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~ E.E. Cummings
ohmygosh!! those photos are just adorable!!! *love* :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Love your post and those photo's are so gorgeous!
I couldn't agree more with your words Michelle, I think laughing is one of the most important things in life and I love the quote by EE Cummings
TFS this, I love your post and the beautiful happy photos. Your dd's smile is definetely contagious!!
we need to meetup next time i'm in socal because laughter is my daily dose of therapy... well that, and scrapbooking of course! hahaha. :)
anyway, just reading this makes me smile.
it's been a while since i've last visited your blog. i've been away too long! :(
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