Coffee. When I was a child I loved the smell of coffee brewing in our home. It meant one of two things... My dad's, good morning coffee... or... it was my dad's coffee break. But even with that rich wondrous smell enveloping our home... I couldn't stand the taste.
So it's very odd to me now that it is liquid joy to me now. I don't even know when I started drinking it.... but somewhere along the way... I have come to adore not only the smell of it... but the pure pleasure it brings to my day.... is indescribable. I love coffee. I guess you could say... like father like daughter.
It may seem a bit odd to be grateful for this... lovely brown liquid... but, it is on some days, what gets me up in the morning... and what keeps me going when I've had a bad nights sleep... and it is by far, the perfect combination with homemade goodies... ummm... anything from zucchini bread to chocolate cookies! It's also one of three parts to my favorite coffee drink... A Nutty Irishman.... Coffee, Bailey's & Frangellico. Coffee, holds special childhood memories of my dad... and how could I forget... coffee is the reason I go to Starbucks... and Starbucks is where I met my husband... you could say coffee has played an intricate part in changing my life. Because if I didn't like coffee I wouldn't have gone to Starbucks... and wouldn't be living the life I have with Steve & Rainee...
Yes, to me, it has a delightful flavor, but it also is central to many wonderful memories in my life. So, thank you for the pleasure you bring... for the memories you've brought to my life... and for the times you've helped me get through a day!!! I think I'll go enjoy a cup...
your stories always make me happy and make my day that much better! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I'm with you...I love my morning coffee and wake up early every day to have my cuppa and watch the news. Thanks for sharing your story, Pam
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