Steve decided since it was such a bright sunny day, we should go to the beach... it wasn't warm enough for swim suits, but it was warm enough to build a sand castle. This is something Rainee and I do every time we go to the beach... it's our thing to do... we get full of sand and of course we can't help but get wet... our sand castles don't last for long... but the memory is so fresh, full of laughter and fun... together.
So when I saw this picture I wanted to remember, not just this moment but also all the other times we've made our sand castles together... it really is my favorite part about going to the beach, plus I know once she gets older, she'll be spending time with her friends and not making sand castles... so I had to make this as a reminder of how very special those times together are, to me.
i LOVE sand castles...! this post made me smile!
Beautiful LO & such great photos! You captured the day perfectly! :-)
I remember this photo. I think you've includede it in one previous post and already at thet time I liked it but in this LO it's just perfect! You did a wonderful page and I belive that this piece of memory was worth to make it even sweeter as you use to!
*sigh* this makes me happy!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos, the story...and loving the colors! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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