I have several thing I want to share with you, but first I want to say.. Happy December 1st... I hope your month is filled with rich blessing, joy, time with family & friends... and you get everything on your list!

Okay so I have to say.... yeah!!! I made the Catwalk over at
ScrapInStyle for my favorite holiday layout, for the
WhatIsYourFaveThing challenge!!! Since the challenge was just posted you have plenty of time to join in... it would be wonderful if you did!!! Anyway, very excited about the Catwalk... and even though I have to go to jury duty this morning... I have to say, it's helped to make my day better!!! yeah!
I will be changing my blog design sometime this week... for the holidays! And putting on some Christmas music... just didn't get to it today... Ahhhhhh.... it's started... too many things to do!!!

Next I'm excited about doing my December Daily book. I don't know about you, but I've always loved seeing what
Ali Edwards does with hers and wish I'd done it... Last year my friend Jen's at
jencroppable.com did one and it was fabulous!!! As for mine... I made it... VERY simple... since it's the first year I'm doing it... I decided that almost important thing for me was the pictures... so I made almost every page with the same sketch just different paper... there will be a few different... I needed it to easy... so I would get it done. So over the next several weeks I'll be showing you my VERY simple December Daily layouts.

Next I wanted to share my 2 favorite things I do every year for Rainee and well, Santa Claus... The first one is Rainee's List for Santa... whenever we go shopping or she sees something on TV... that she really wants, she says... 'Mommy can you put that on my list!'... I make a note of it and when it get closer to Christmas ... I make a Santa's List to put them on... it's been a great help not only for 'Santa', but also for mommy, grandma and the aunts/uncles. Rainee loves looking at it and has me read the things she's put on it... it's adorable. I also make sure to tell her, that just because it's on the list, doesn't mean she's going to get everything on the list... and she says... 'I know, but can we put it on my Birthday list?'.... to which I say... yes... and make a Birthday List lo for her to put the things she didn't get for Christmas on it.... it's been our thing... and it's worked out really well... so of course I just had to share it with you.

The other thing is the... Naughty or Nice List. It's something that helps show Rainee how good she is... and also,for when she's naughty. Rainee is generally very good but there are moment, like with any kid... that well, she isn't. The thing I like about our naughty list is... when she knows she's been bad, she comes to me and wants to pray for Jesus to forgive her for being bad and to help her be better. We've talked about this a lot, and she knows that when she asks for forgiveness, Jesus forgives her, and forgets it ever happened... soooooooooooo of course on our naughty list... we too have to wipe it clean too. She knows it's been there, but she also knows it's forgotten....

To go along with the Naughty or Nice list I found something I just have to share with you... it's a Naughty or Nice list with Santa actually showing your child on his list... it's really pretty cute!!! When Rainee saw it, she nearly fell out of her chair.... it was soooooooo much fun!!! So, make sure to check this out....
Santa's List ... seriously, your child's face will be beaming!!!
Have a lovely lovely day!
1. Sorry about jury duty. I had it a couple of months ago but when checked in they had enough people so I lucked out.
2. Congratulations on the layout.
3. So glad you are doing the December daily! I'm doing it digital this year! ;D
4. You've always got great/cute ideas over here. This post is no exception!
5. Miss ya!
Gotta ♥ jury duty! It's actually a very interesting experience, but a pain in the butt, too! Hope things went well today!
Adorable projects, Michelle! I especially ADORE your FAV HOLIDAY LO... & CONGRATS on Catwalk! You SO deserve it! :-)
Big hugs...
congrats on the catwalk. Love the christmas list and naughty or nice list ideas and I am betting my son will love to see his name on the list
CONGRATS on the CATWALK!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!!! I tried that site and three tries to register and got wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too frustrated :( i did EVERYTHING wrong according to the world of Disney every time...lol! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
LOL - I love your naughty & nice list idea. Of course, I would say it's not forgotten (if we do not remember the past, we are doomed to repeat it) - but it IS forgiven!
Hey there! I have always wanted to do a daily album! Did you make one for December only or for the whole year? whew you would have plenty to do if its for the year :) I love your work and hope to be back soon to post mine, i have done so much and not shared a thing! Happy Holidays!! Just wanted to drop by and tell you that i am using alot of my give away loot from last year, you gave me! LOVE IT ALL!
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