Before I talk about my lo... I want to appologise for not being around... Rainee has been sick off and on... can I just say... I hate it when parents let their kid go to school sick!... That's how this started for Rainee... she was fine... then start to get a cold... then fine again... and then... at the Christmas party... her teacher brought her sick kid... ugh... can I tell you I was mad!!! When she told me, I made sure Rainee to stayed away from her daughter... but even though she did... with her daughter participating in all the fun... those germs lingered... and the next morning... Rainee wasn't feeling great and by the end of the day... she had a sore throat!!! Boy I hate it when parents do that.... and what makes it worse... it's right before Christmas... and it's vacation... she should be having fun... but instead... we're both up all night taking care of her fever... honestly... I'm bugged!!! I'm hoping she'll be better today... I have some fun stuff planned, but it won't happen if she's not feeling well. Enough about sick kids and their parents... and making mine sick... just ugh... that's all I can say!!!
So besides Rainee not feeling well, it's Christmas time, with all the things you NEED TO get done and all the things you WANT TO get done... we've been busy here!!! I have lots of photos... but the scrapping well it's not been on the top of my list....

But yesterday while Rainee had a nap, I did a layout for
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things... new challenge... Your Favorite Car... you have to read all about it... it's fun... but for mine... well... I didn't do my favorite... I did Rainee's!!!
Ya know when you go to the store and you see those fun little rides for kids... it could be a ride with Tiger, a dinosaur or a fun little car..... well Rainee loves them... and she has to go on it every time... but only if mama has some quarters... 90% of the time I do. It's such a fun little everyday thing which makes for a pleasant few moments... which can make for a very pleasant child... simple... fun... and smiles all around!!! Anyway... here's my lo... of Rainee in a truck when we were at Toys R Us recently... too much fun!!!
As for posting... it may be a few days before I get to it again... depending on Rainee, and of course how smoothly things go with getting ready for Christmas... at least you'll know why!!! I hope these last days before Christmas are filled with wonderful memories, to make for a really lovely Christmas...
(Materials: Paper: Bazzil, Making Memories, Ribbon: Wrights, Stickers: Creative Imaginations, DCWV, Creative Memories, Misc)
that is a bummer about rainee getting sick :( i have a hard time with brookie as her allergies are soooooooooooooooooo bad that sometimes i seriously do not know if she is sick or just allergies... soooooooooo i may be one of those parents U lol lol... but i totally hear u... when U do know your kid is sick... keep them home :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) i love love love love love the lo...what a cute cute cute story!! thanks for playing along with us! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Fun fun fun this lo, i'll hope Rainee gets better real soon, i mean real soon (before) christmas. It isn't fun when you are sick and it's christmas time ......
You may try this herbal candy, which is pretty popular in asia~~
It works well on my sore throat!
So sorry to hear that Rainee is sick again. It's certainly no fun ANY time of the year, but Christmas is worse! :-(
That LO is just the cutest EVER. Another fav Michelle LO for me! All the traffic signs are perfect with those adorable photsos! ♥ it!
I hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas! Enjoy celebrating with your family & friends! :-)
Big hugs...
Sorry to hear your child is sick on Christmas. I know what you mean about parents sending their ill children to school. It's pretty darn selfish of them and probably only happens because the parents are too wrapped up in their own lives to take care of their kid. Kind of like saying "to heck with everyone else".
Anyway...sorry for my rant about dumb Just wanted to let you know that I found your blog by watching a video on YouTube that you did last Christmas. It was a gingerbread man tag/pin---very cute!!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!
Oh so sorry to hear that Rainee is (hopefully 'was' by now) sick. I too can't stand when people send sick kids to school...I am a Kindergarten teacher, so it's so frustrating when people do that to all the other kids (and me?) too. Another one is when they tell the kids 'tell your teacher to call me if you feel bad' -- okay, don't send them if you think it's bad enough to tell them that. Okay...little rant there, but I hope you all are better and I'm excited to have time to catch up at your site while I'm off for the holiday. Take care!
Rhonda :)
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