At our {early} Thanksgiving dinner, here is Rainee with her cute cute cute turkey... she was so patient waiting waiting waiting for 'her guests'.... she kept saying... 'when are they going to get here???'... and just before they did she said, 'hey, mom... look how very hungry I am!!!'.... adorable... I could gobble her up!!! The other is our family dinner... at our new home... it was such a nice time. And the last lo is from our Thanksgiving dinner with Kathleen's family... Kathleen's sister Stephanie made the whole dinner... and it was her 25th birthday... I think she did a wonderful job!!! I have to say it was soooooo nice not having to actually cook on Thanksgiving... I love it!!! We have been blessed this year and I for one am so very grateful for all we have... God is good!

We have a full weekend... I'm taking Rainee and her friend to HomeDepot to the fun projects they have on the first Saturday of every month... Rainee loves doing this, and this time she has a friend coming... then we're going to Michaels Craft Store to do more fun free crafts... If we have time we're going to go to Bass Pro Shop to do their craft... It's such a fun thing to do with Rainee and they are all free... so it makes for a fun thrifty way to spend the day, during the holidays!!! I'm working on some more freelance holiday ads for some of my faithful customers... AND... today I got some more great products from Creative Imaginations to do some more projects for them.. I think I'm going to have a very full full full weekend... but ya know I can't wait!!! Hoping you have a marvelous weekend!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love love the lo's!!!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Adorable LO's, Michelle. The 2nd one is my fav... great design & I always ♥ multi-photo LO's!
Bob took Bryn to Home Depot one year & she made me a little project for Mother's Day. I have it on a shelf in our craft room!
Enjoy your day with Rainee! :-)
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