My Steve... what can I say he isn't very techno-savy... so I was a bit surprised on Mother's Day morning when I opened an email from him... he had sent me these coupons... some were filled in and some were blank...
And golly I thought WOW... he had to do a search to find these... he had to actually compose an email... so, I was a bit overwhelmed that he took the time to do something on the computer without getting frustrated and without calling me in the room to fix it... or find it...
Then I found out his friend Steve (yes, he has a friend Steve- I know wierd) sent them to him... trying to make points with his wife and he thought... hey I'll send them to my buddy Steve for Michelle... so, even if Steve did give them to my Steve... it was the thought that counted... and let me tell you I used those coupons... very wisely... and it took me nearly a year to use them all... it was rather fun...
So, I hope your day is blessed with special moments that make you smile, laugh till you cry... and you really great gifts... because mom's really are SPECIAL!!!
Have a lovely day!! Happy Mother's Day!
It's fun to be married to NON techno geek hubby's. Mine is so gifted in a thousand other areas, it's rather nice to be able to excel in an area he's not so gifted in. It's nice to be needed.
My daughter (30) surprised me with Mother's day gifts. She normally celebrates Mother day on her birthday (Labor day) so she really caught me unaware. It's nice to be remembered and loved.
How sweet! I have to wonder why only one coupon is filled in with foot rub. I would take more of those over cleaning the house anyday!
Happy Mother's Day!
thanks for sharing those coupons they're great! I really love looking at your blog and videos. Glad you are all moved in! That must have been very hard and stressful. All good. keep up the good work!
Yes, moms are really special! I felt special today even though I had to work. My husband made all my meals for me...crepes in the morning, a sandwich to take to work with me and burritos when I got home this evening. My son even did the dishes!!! And presents too. I like the coupons a lot...very sweet. I'm so happy you have Rainee and she has you! Love, Joan
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