{Hearts}. I love this time of year... The time when... love is in the air... and {hearts} are everywhere. I see them at the grocery store, at the coffee shop, Walmart and Target... you name the place and there is probably a Valentine {heart} around somewhere...
But my favorites are those I see every day on every picture Rainee makes for me... or others. I love it when she comes running over to me to show me the picture she's made... but more specifically... she shows me her {hearts}... in those small child like drawings of {hearts}... I see love. It's such a simple thing, a shape really... but while Rainee is still learning to write words... this simple little {heart} shape is her way of expressing her love

One of Rainee's recent homework assignments, was to bring home a {heart} and do a family project with it. As hard as we might we couldn't get daddy interested in helping, so Rainee and I did it together...when I asked her what she wanted on it... she said, she wanted to make {heart} puppies... one for each of us... our family! to make it easy, I got out the Cricut and it cut out our {hearts}... after that she was on a roll. She knew exactly what she wanted to do... where everything was going... what it would say... and what stickers to use.... {hearts} of course! It was fun watching her get all excited about her class {heart} project... she had me cut out some little bones, to put our names on. When she put the names on, she decide that although she should be up by mommy & daddy... Champy is bigger than she is so he should be the bigger puppy and she would be the smaller one. Too too cute! All I can say is...it's beautiful!!!! When she showed her daddy what he missed out on... daddy's response was... "Rainee-bear... it wouldn't have turned out this nice if I had helped... it's perfect!"... which of course made her smile...
So, even though Valentine's Day will come and go... and the {hearts} will be taken down everywhere with something new in their place... love will still be everywhere for me... when I look at Rainee's sweet little {hearts}... I know, I'm lucky have them and grateful to be loved so much!
I love your blog. Thank-you
you know how i feel about puppies!! hehe. :) LOVE the project you guys made, and who wud have thought that hearts make great puppy faces! hehe
here's to a great week ahead of you.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love the hearts she drew for u and loving those heart puppies....hearts are just awesome! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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