Quiet Time. I've noticed over the years that for me to be a good wife... a good mother... friend... daughter... sister... scrapbooker... well, let's just say... good at anything... I've needed my quiet time. Time when I can do whatever I need to or want to. It makes me a contented and happier person.
When I was single... I seemed to have a ton of it... I enjoyed those quiet times... when I got married, I noticed I had less... so I adjusted... when I became a mother, there was even less... and I adjusted. But now, as a stay-at-home-mom, you would think I'd have an abundance of this thing that helps keep me grounded... but it's not true.... if anything I've had less. But over time, again I've adjusted...
My husband thinks I'm seriously crazy... because every day, I get up early... usually 4:30 or 5:00 am. In his eyes there is no reason to. But what he doesn't understand, is that it's not just for me... it's for him, Rainee and all I need to care for.
It's in those early morning hours, before the sun is up and the house is filled with voices of... 'can you do this'... 'can I have that'... I am able to escape. I am able to plunge myself into the quietness of... a new day. I am able to forget about what the day has to offer, what I have to or need to do... it's in this time I am able to exercising, reading, praying, scrapping, blogging... whatever I want for those few short hours, I am able to use the time to rejuvenate myself for the beginning of a new day. Those few hours, make me a happier person. I am filled with a sense of accomplishment for how I've spent my time, but also that I've taken care of me. Because I know for me, if I let the things 'I have to do' and the things 'I need to do' overwhelm me... I am not good to anyone...
I wish it could be stored it up... to use when I need it... when I'm stressed and full up with life... I wish there was a way to pull from 'the reserves of quiet time' to get me through a day... a week... an hour... a moment... but it doesn't work that way... not for me anyway... I've learned over the the years... that I need to take care of myself... daily.
The thing I love about it, is that it doesn’t ask anything of me. There are no expectation, no requirements... it's time for me to use it how I'd like. To enjoy the pleasure received by being there, which are not just in those moments... but they are carried on throughout my day... because I've taken the time to care for me. It’s good for my soul... my family... every part of my life. I'm better for having taken the time. So this morning I will enjoy it's delightful pleasure, and hope you will have some quiet time to call your own... we all need it.
What a wonderful idea! I feel the same as if any time I had to do the things I love to do is slowly disappearing. And to add to it allwe are adding to our family in August and that will mean even less time. I wish I could wake up early as you do. Thanks for the reminder about how to make everyone's life a little better by taking some time for myself.
Beautiful post. I hear you loud and clear....I feel a tug in every direction and most of the time I want to run away...So I have been doing what you are doing for the last year...wake up before everyone else or stay up just a little later than everyone else. To do whatever I need or want to do. It really changes your perspective. It brings peace to more than just me... You are so right it is for the family.
Love your weekly gratitude. Beautiful! Hugs, Amy
I decided to take the time to read something I really enjoy, your blog. I love you and Rainee, you so remind me of my daughter and I. We got to spend Saturday alone. We met in a town that is square between the two towns we live. We shopped, we ate, we talked, we laughed and we hugged. It was tough to say goodbye. Thanks for sharing your everyday moments that I get to occasionally read.
I love stopping and taking the time to smell the roses life gives us each day.
Gosh....I was so touched to read this!! I started reading it and thought "this is my life"! And I need to remind myself, especially now with what life has handed me, to do this for myself, my family, my soul...every single day! Thank You, Michelle, for reminding me of this simple truth and filling me with the knowledge that it is in my control to make this happen for me daily!
Beautiful words reflect a beautiful soul. Thanks for opening up my mind to an option for personal rejuvenation and healing. Love yhour blog,
seriously...we are kindred spirits...lol...i have been getting up at 3AM for 13 years now... (i was a single mom with adam for 7 years..)...it is the only time i have my peace :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Beautiful reminder. We are made to have some "quiet time" each day and we are less than what we could be when we choose not to take advantage of it. I love your blog, especially the reminders to be grateful.
Amen. Totally agree 100%!
ditto to deana's comment!! totally agree!!
and i take all the time in the world to focus on MY LIFE! :) it's def a wonderful feeling...
by the way, have you seen my blog post for today? i think you'll like it...
You wrote some really nice words and it seems to me that you are so well oriented. It's so important to have something that keeps us the way we were when we were focused mostly on ourselfs. A tiny piece of yourself that reminds us that we have many aspects and that everyone of them counts. Thank you for telling us your story - it's inspiring!
I'm going to have to start waking up early too. I read your post and I thought: that is soooo me! Only, I never thought of waking up early to "make time" for myself. I'm the kind of person that needs her sleep but now that there is less and less time I don't think i have an option. Thanks for this post. I really think you wrote it PERFECTLY.
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