Sleep. I've had a hard time this week with sleeping. Rainee has for some odd reason, took a liking to me sleeping with her (2 nights last week)... When this request happens, I usually put her to bed then sneak out... but this week... she noticed what I was doing... and wouldn't have it... she wanted mommy to stay... so I stayed. Which wouldn't be so bad if her bed wasn't so soft... or is it that I always get hit in the face with either a hand or foot several times during the night. I don't know maybe it's combination of the two. So as you can tell, sleeping on both occasions was hopeless. Oh, and I don't want to forget the night I slept in the tent (in Rainee's room)... on the hard floor... comfy! One night I woke up just cuz I could... and I was up for the day! Another night, completely asleep... then at 1:00am, the phone rang... you have to know I get a bit frantic when this happens.... because early phone calls means somethings going on with my dad (who lives in a rest home in South Dakota).... so here I am, racing to the phone, my heart pounding... and I'm wondering if my dad is okay???... I answer it... and on the other end is some chick on drugs dialing the wrong number.... I was shaken... and you guessed it... I COULDN'T GO BACK TO SLEEP!! Ugh!!
Sleep... I didn't get much of it last week... which can make mommy a very grumpy-bear!!! But last night... I slept in my own bed... no kicking or hitting... no odd phone calls... and I was able to sleep in until 6:30am this morning!!! Which doesn't seem like sleeping in... but when you consider I get up between 4:30 and 5:00am every morning... it's sleeping in for me. Ahhhhhhhhh!
This lack of sleep reminded me of when Rainee was a baby... the sleepless nights of being a new parent with the every 2-hour feedings... and how it was so nice to take a nap in the middle of the day... with my precious baby, to catch up on what I didn't get night the night before. So, this morning, I went digging through pictures looking for this of Rainee and I taking one of those much needed naps... a reminder of what I am grateful for... sleep.
I think, sleep is something we take for granted... or don't realize how important it is, until we don't get what we need. It's the most peaceful time of day... the time when our body rests... the time we recoup!!! I'm thankful my dear husband, took care of Rainee a couple of times so I could take a nap... because I really needed to rest!! I'm thankful for the sleep (and naps) I did get this week... and although there may will be days... even weeks like this one again in the future... I will be grateful. Grateful for the rest I do get. So, I pray for peaceful and restful slumber, as I lay my head upon the pillow tonight... and also for you! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
So hope you can get some sleep today or tonight. Hope you dad is better.
I have similar issues with getting my son to bed. It can be a major frustration. A whole week of not getting enough sleep and I would be horrible to deal with. lol Hope you get enough rest this week. (=
What a coincidence. I didn't sleep a lot this night with Kian having fever!!! It's true - the soft cushin and a warm blanket is priceless!!!
I love the photo!!!!!
Aww, here's praying for plenty of sleep for you and Rainee! And don't you hate those middle of the night calls....it does get your heart beating so hard that it's impossible to fall back asleep often! Thanks for the simple reminder of simple things to be grateful for!
Blessings, Karen
i'm glad u finally got some sleep!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo of u and rainee...soooooooooooooooo precious! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
That's so aggravating to not be able to fall asleep or to not sleep restfully. I seem to be having that problem more often lately. I think I just have too much on my mind!
Hope you get some rest SOON!
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