We love it... with the intense temperatures this last week... our pool has been something to look forward to every day!!! It's been hard doing all the our normal routine... but knowing the cool water was waiting, made those excruciating hot days survivable. Plus we've been having such fun playing... swimming races... catch the noodle... marco polo... making waves... and splashing daddy... yes, it's been quite enjoyable. I am grateful for our pool and the happiness it brings to extremely hot days... I love it!!!
Sounds like fun (and relief)!
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for the pool!!! Living here where its 110 plus temps 7 months out of the year...I sometimes wish we had one...then i think of the h20 bill...and remember why i don't have one! LOL LOL LOL!! Loving that CUTE photo of Rainee! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Enjoy the refreshing water! :)
Wish I was there! "NO REALLY" I REALLY WISH I WAS THERE!! I step outside my front door and into my steamroom ~I mean front porch~ and just drip, drip, drip!
Happy Splashing!!
Love Ya Sis,
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