This last week for whatever reason... Rainee felt I needed protecting from daddy... Steve and I were bantering... as we often do... and all of a sudden who should appear but... PANTY-GIRL..... to the rescue!!!! It was so funny... here she is all dressed up in panties... I couldn't stop laughing... it was killer-funny!!!!

My lovely niece, Autumn at AutumnBouquet... gave me a "Berry Cute Blog Award"... she is such a sweetheart... I love her very much!!! Thank you, Autumn!!!
Recently I received another award... so this time I'm going to be a little rebel and just answer a couple of the questions then send it along to my blogging friends... here are the rules I'm suppose to follow...
#1 Put the image of the award within your blog post.
#2 Put down answers to the following questions.
(for the full list of question see AutumnBouquet) :)
#3 When you answer the questions, add one question to the list. Didn't happen :(
#4 Award as many people as you wish!
#1 Do you like to wear hats? Yes, but not as much as I use to.
#4 Blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries? Raspberries.
#6 Favorite color? Red.
#9 Hearts or flowers? Both.
#11 What are your favorite hobbies? Scrapbooking
#12 Do you prefer dresses or pants? Dresses, although I always seem to be wearing pants.
And I'm sending this off to...
Life With The Tucker Wolek Clan...One Scrappy Blog...September Tea... Lilac & Luprines... One Gals Trash... Jencropable ... Scrapbook Abundance...Positively Bekka...Blessed...Glimpse of my daily life...(diva)logue...Images & Words...Inspiration Everywhere...Something Unique...ge de papel...RedOakLines...Creative Mischief...Mj's Moderation...Just RiFi...Jill's Life Adventure...ArtMyWay...Jaylynn Scraps...
Have a lovely weekend... enjoy every moment!!!
I'm loughing sooooo much!!!! I didn't know you have a super hero in your house. OMG she is so adorable and clever!!!! You have a treasure!!!
Thank you so much for the award - I really appriciate it! Sending you big kisses!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww her sandcastle photos are adorable!! I hope your sting is ok now...and hehehehehehehehe....how CUTE CUTE CUTE is PANTY GIRL!?!?!?! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it!!! Adam did that once when he was younger...of course, he would KILL me now if I showed those photos!! LOL!!! And thanks for the award my dearest!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
HAHAHHA! how cute is rainee as PANTY GIRL! ;)
she def knows how to put a smile on someone's face.
Oh, thanks for passing it on to me...I'll try to post it in my next blog post..I just did one though for today. I love those pics..she is sooo cute!! Especially love the PANTY GIRL...
Love, Jess
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