Peaceful moments. This last week was one of those weeks where I had to grasp at every little bit of peace that came my way.
My week started with a call about my dad...he wasn't doing well again and went back in the hospital... on Tuesday I received a letter and a phone call which brought me to tears... that same evening, Rainee... my sweet Rainee, for no apparent reason, squirted her water drinks all over our family room and all over Champ... which made everything smell like wet dirty dog with a hint of fruit... which with the day I had... brought me to tears... and just as I was going to go to bed, the doctor called about my dad... which again, brought me to tears.
Needless to say... I cried myself to sleep Tuesday night and prayed for a better week. The rest of my week was nothing like Monday or Tuesday... my heart is still seeking peace from news I received on Tuesday... but, I am still dealing with it... I cry when I think about it... I struggle... I pray... I cry... and it starts over... The peace I seek for it I know will come. But right now... I am sooooooooo very grateful for the little spaces of time where I found peace in this incredibly difficult week... my dad getting out of the hospital... he's weak, but he's out of the hospital... cuddling and reading books with my little Rainee... joking around with Steve... talking with my sister... the silence right before everyone gets up in the morning... a lovely breeze in the late afternoon... this was a week I don't want repeated... but I am so very thankful for peace... every peaceful moment... I am grateful.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Michelle!!! i am sooooooooooooooooo sorry for your bad week!! I hope and pray things are better soon!! {{{hugs}}} :):):):):):):):):):):)
Thinking of you Michelle, hoping you have a better week. As moms, I think it's so important that we do find those peaceful moments.
Sending you love, Joan
Michelle, I am so sorry you have had a bad week...when it comes to family and hurting, it's never easy! I am praying for you and hope this next week is better for you! It is great that you can find those little moments of peace, b/c sometimes that is what keeps us going! Love, Jess
So sorry you had a bad week. Here is hoping you have a better one this week.
So sorry Michelle!!! I am so sorry for your bad week!! You are in my thoughts and I hope things get better real fast!
Sending hugs your way. I'm so sorry to hear that Monday and Tuesday were not good for you. I'm very glad you got to experience some peaceful moments.
so sorry michelle i am praying for you to have strength during this tough time xo
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