The first time he bought me a gift there was at Christmas a few years ago... and since then I seem to get one of those lovely little blue boxes with something special at least once a year!!! I never thought I'd own one piece... so every time he surprises me with one... it's a BIG treat... they always makes me feel sooooooooo special and loved. Rainee gets into too... because she knows how much I love them... so when I'm opening the Tiffany's gift, she always says it's from her and NOT daddy.... too cute!!!

Anyway... our prize for this challenge comes from our DT member Sarah... who is graciously giving some Imaginisce products! Thanks Sarah!! You have until 10pm July 13th to post your card, layout or project... have fun with this and happy shopping!!!
Hey there REALLY CUTE page!!!!
My kids have always asked me what some of my favorite things are, and I always tell them "I don't have any". When they ask why?????? I just say "I LIKE TO LEAVE MY OPTIONS OPEN"!!!! True Story!!!!
Love You Sis,
okay, so now i want something from there. ;)
Gotta ♥ really big surprises in little blue boxes! Darling page, Michelle! :-)
I sooooooooooooooo love love love love this Michelle!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Tiffany's and loveeeeeeeeee the misting! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I really love the design you used. The blue splatters are perfect!
I love your LO!!! I had no idea about the blue boxes, they are CUTE!! I want one, unfortunaly we don't have Tiffanany's nearby !:(
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