Wednesday, May 30

Angry Bird Birthday Invitations...

Rainee had been wanting an iPad tablet for sooooo long... that back in October I told, I would try to get her one... BUT... it would have to be for her birthday... AND...  she could either have a party OR a tablet... not both... so Rainee decided on the tablet... sooooooooo there wasn't going to be a party...

But as her birthday came closer... AND... mommy being mommy... I couldn't let her birthday go by

without her sharing it with a few friends & family... so when I told her we could have a cupcake party... no fancy thing birthday... what would she like this years birthday theme to be... she said an Angry Bird Party... And of course, me being me, I could just buy invitations... I had to make them... so here they are... Rainee's Angry Bird Invitations... and I love love love them...

Now that they're done... I've had so many people wanting to buy them... I'm thinking about putting the a digi file along with instruction on how to make them in my etsy store... what do you think???

Photos of the party will be coming... have a fabulous Wednesday...



Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

OMYGOSH!!! These are sooooooooo cute cute cute!!! You should so sell them!!!!

Moira said...

Have a great party!!!!!