Happy Friday! What is on your every{day} HAPPY list
this week?... Here is mine. I hope you'll play along...
this week?... Here is mine. I hope you'll play along...
1. The quietness of being the first up in the mornings...
2. Leafs changing colors...
3. Making popcorn on the stove...
4. Rainee's joy over her jungle animal lunches...
5. The sound of coffee brewing...
6. Black berry cobbler...
7. The sound of Legos locking together...
8. Teaching Rainee to play handball...
9. The aroma of cookies baking..
10. Rainee's new phrase... 'Now, bake me a pie'... she says it just like Sam from iCarly... and I have to say... it's adorable!!!
To play along... use the linky below anytime before Thursday, midnight. This is all about sharing the little things in life... So, join in any time with what made you HAPPY this week!